1 on 1 mentoring
Where do you feel you need support right now?
Social Media Marketing
I’ve been using Instagram for over 10 years, and in that time I’ve grown a successful network marketing business using my personal page, and in recent years cofounded a local business where I run all social media marketing. I’ve grown our business to over 50,000 Instagram followers, all organically, and with that have ensured we have a daily supply of enquiries, qualified leads, and have clients lining up months in advance. I wish the same for you and your offering. Let’s chat through how you can work towards cracking your Instagram code, increasing your brand exposure and awareness (whether that’s your personal brand or your business), and generating opportunities and income through your expression and story telling
Professional Sales Support
Specifically if you are in social selling, network marketing, and direct sales. I’d love to help you in showing up online using your authentic voice, gaining trust and credibility with your audience, and empowering likeminded people to make investment decisions with your guidance
Reparenting, Inner Child Healing, Overall Mindset
I’ve learned that the limiting beliefs and unhealthy thought processes that were programmed to us in childhood, leech into our adult lives. It’s up to us to shift those beliefs. No one else is coming to save you and do it for you. It’s nice to have someone who gets it and has been there to talk it out with, and receive advice from.
I’m looking forward to connecting deeper with you.
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A bit more about me:
Moving out of a dysfunctional and abusive family home in my early 20s introduced to me the world of reparenting and inner child healing. A world where it was now on ME to do what I had to do, to be the adult and future parent I’ve always wanted to be. To unlearn and then learn the coping mechanisms, communication styles, conflict resolution techniques, and general non toxic ways of being, that would support me in my growth.
I’m happy to say I’ve gotten to a really good place, and LOVE supporting others who would like guidance along the way. Whether it’s a problem with family members, significant others, colleagues, recurring thoughts that you’d rather not be having, anything at all. Please allow me to listen and work with you as we shift your perspective to one that is easier to live with and navigate.
I’ve somehow got a knack for finding compassion and forgiveness for those that have hurt me most. My narcisstic dad being number one. Physically, emotionally, verbally, and financially abused. Not just me. I watched him do it to my siblings and mother as well. To live with that pain and hate him forever? Or to learn from it. I chose to learn.
What have you been dealt with? Will you feel the pain forever or see the learnings in it?
Please allow me to help with a 1 on 1 chat. It can be a 1 off, or as frequently as you need.
To add to the reparenting and inner child healing experience of mine above, my professional and personal experience working in sales has proven to be incredibly beneficial.
My first ever job was at a gym, where I thrived in selling (and up-selling) gym memberships. I won leader boards for signups and had a natural knack for selling, finding my own way of going about it versus the more robotic way I was taught. From there I transitioned into a corporate career as a sales representative / business development consultant, winning business clients Sydney wide, and earning bonus after bonus for smashing past targets.
Overall my 7 years working for large corporations taught me a LOT. Lessons I still use (and teach others) to this day: sales techniques, persuasive communication, negotiation skills, objection handling, and showing up professionally. Once I made the realisation and it became significant to me that the work I was doing wasn’t aligned to my values, I made the decision to work for myself. I had my own unique way of ‘selling’, which is simply my own way of relating and communicating with people, and wanted to use my skills solely to my advantage, not also to advantage a company I had zero care for.
I found myself feeling aligned values wise in the network marketing space, starting in May of 2019. It’s been an incredible 5 years in this space, though not without its challenges.
I’ve worked a lot on my mindset, overcoming self limiting beliefs, and the fear of judgement from others that so often comes with this line of work due to the negative (dinosaur) stigma associated with it.
With all that I’ve learned, and the many people I’ve mentored and supported, I’m now open to mentoring people outside of my immediate network marketing team, people from all walks of life, you included! I’ve noticed that inner child work plays a lot into this, so we’ll be going straight there, if you’re up for it.
Talk soon.